Claim a free 7-day trial of Bookmate, a mobile-friendly reading app that gives you instant access to many thousands of books and audiobooks.
Bookmate is perfect for when you’re on the go and travelling, although it is equally useful for use at home or on your lunch break.
This service is available on Android and Apple iOS (iPhone) devices and provides access to over 5,000 books and audiobooks, all categorised by genre. You can create your own ‘bookshelf’ and organise books however you see fit.
And if you are in an area where you may find it difficult to connect to the Internet, it is also possible to save books beforehand to read while offline.
There are various customisation options available that let you change the appearance of the text, background, and brightness.
To claim your free trial of Bookmate, click the link below and then complete the registration to get 7 days free.