Marie Claire Beauty Drawer

Free Beauty Products at Marie Claire

Marie Claire’s Beauty Drawer is a free beauty club that lets you test out new beauty products based on your individual preferences.

Start by completing your online profile to receive free personalised beauty products directly to your door, as and when available. 

Each freebie has been specially selected by Marie Claire’s beauty editors so you know the products are high-quality and from market-leading brands.

The site works as follows: you first set up a profile so that Marie Claire can tailor products to meet your needs. Then you will be matched for free beauty samples based on the answers you provide on your profile.

Once you’ve received the freebies, you will be asked to provide feedback. By doing so, you can help steer the direction of future product releases, not to mention assist others who may have similar skincare requirements as yourself.

Please note: freebies at the Marie Claire Beauty Drawer are often snapped up quickly due to high demand.

After registration, we recommend you keep a close eye on your account to get the first pick of any samples available. You can also register for alerts (worthwhile if you are in the market to test out the latest products before anyone else).

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