Free Always FlexProtect Pads

Free Pack of Always FlexProtect Pads (Voucher Offer)

A great new offer where you can claim a coupon, redeemable for a free pack of Always FlexProtect sanitary pads.

Once you have your coupon, you can exchange it for a free pack of FlexProtect Pads in sizes 1, 2, 3, or 4 at participating retailers.

These sanitary towels provide flexible protection and absorb up to 50% greater moisture than older Always pads.

Please note: the total value of the coupon is £3.40, so the price of the product needs to be this or below in order to be free of charge.

Claim the freebie in-store at the following retailers: Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Boots, Morrisons, Savers, and Superdrug.

You will need to complete the easy registration process at SuperSavvyMe to claim yours, or alternatively log-in (if you’re already a member).

The coupon is valid until 30th June 2025.

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