Piccolo Baby Stuff

Free Piccolo Baby Stuff

Sign-up to become a member of Piccolo, the organic baby food brand, to claim vouchers redeemable for money-off Piccolo products, plus other exclusive offers, like a free baby recipe book.

Piccolo’s “Family Club” is 100% free and gives you access to exclusive discounts on many of the UK’s top baby brands. In addition, they have a loyalty scheme that lets you collect points, which you can redeem on future purchases of Piccolo products.

Besides baby-related freebies and discounts from Piccolo, membership also provides tailored baby content to help you at each particular stage.

You can view the full product range on the website. This includes formula milk, pouches, snacks, and bundles, to name a few. There’s also a recipe area accessible via the “Parent Hub” menu.

To claim your free baby recipe booklet and exclusive discounts, complete the short registration to become a member (it only takes a few moments of your time). 

There’s a quick two-step process, after which you will receive additional information via e-mail. Follow the link below to begin.