Win Yeo Valley Stuff

Win Yeo Valley Organic Goodies

Play Yeo Valley’s Dairy-Go-Round game for a chance to win a number of organic and ethical prizes, plus various “Yeokens” (Yeo Valley’s virtual currency), which can be redeemed for free goodies.

This instant win giveaway is available on a regular basis, usually every month. Be sure to keep your eyes peeled for the latest prizes. If you don’t win on this occasion, just keep trying.

A full list of recent winners can be found on the competition entry page. Just scroll down and click the “see the winners” button.

To keep updated with the latest freebies and offers from the leading organic brand, you can also subscribe to the Yeo Valley e-mail newsletter (the sign-up form is visible at the bottom of the competition entry page).

To begin, click the link below and then complete the online registration. Full prize details and terms of entry can be found on the Yeo Valley website.